

 We may forget that we are Khalifah. But what actually is the khalifah. Did we know? Or we don't care anything about it. Actually for myself, all our Muslim community and all the people out there, according to Prof Dr Muhammad Al'Mahdi, the author of UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT OF KHALIFAH, "In English the Arabic word Khalifah is often translated as 'vicegerent'. Vicegerent means one who acts in the place of the leader or king. Included in the meaning of vicegerent is the assumption that the person in that role will act in every instance as the leader or king would want them to act. This also is the meaning of the Arabic term khalifah. What a glorious and exciting role to be given, to act as a representative of Allah - even if only within the limited scope of human ability. It is the highest honour that can be given. Most blessed are we that Allah, through His Divine and Unlimited Mercy, has chosen mankind to receive this greatest of all honours."

 Some of us are very ignorance. Don't know where we stand actually and very arrogant to do what He has command us to do. We are very ignorance and we has forget that:

1. He give us the joy to breath every second but we never care about it.

2. He has give us the food and water that we need everyday, but we always wants more and claim that it is not enough. 

3. He has give us the freedom to walk, run and a healthy body but some of us use it to do bad thing.

4. He has give us an ample 'rezeki' but we claim it was not enough, we want more. Actually we have forgotten our brother in other country that suffer a lot for a plate of rice.

5. He has give us the power to think but some of us use it to think on how to do bad thing.

6. He has give us the Ramadhan, the holy month for us to fast and performs our ibadah well but are we really into it. 

Before we go ahead with a lot of argument (because nowadays people love to argue about something, that's good but don't blame others, see yourself first) we must start with the concept of Khalifah and InsyaAllah with the guidance of ALLAH s.w.t. , we will be guided to the right path in this world of Fitnah that we live in today. 

Actually there are a lot of thing that we as a khalifah must do as the servant of God but are we doing it? This question must be ask to ourselves everyday when we want to sleep or we wake up to sleep. I really hope that me myself can be a better Muslim and my brother and sister who are really performs their Ibadah and do all the things in the God's name will be bless, InsyaALLAH. 

For further reference on what is Khalifah project all about, you can also read this wonderful book. 

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